
SP Brothers-Standardized Patient Brothers

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SP Brothers-Standardized Patient Brothers

Product No.:

TYE1221  (Instructor Unit)

TYE1222 (Learner Unit)


SP Brothers - Standardized Patient Brothers integrates theoretical learning, decision-making thinking training, and skill practice to comprehensively assist in developing clinical competence.

This product consists of intelligent manikins (standing and supine), a simulated stethoscope, and system control software. Utilizing a B/S architecture, there is no need for software installation-simply scan the QR code for quick and convenient access. It is equipped with an extensive knowledge base that coordinates with the simulator's vital signs, enabling teaching, training and assessment in diagnostic courses. A variety of simulated clinical scenarios allow students to experience the entire process from initial consultation to data collection and clinical decision-making, aiding in the development of appropriate and accurate clinical thinking methods.

Intelligent Manikins

● Realistic skin, crafted for superior elasticity, flexibility and durability. Tear-resistant and stretch-resistant, it maintains its shape and color, ideal for long-lasting applications.

● This highly integrated model offers versatility with support for wired and wireless connections.

● The intelligent electronic eyes incorporate cutting edge technology, capable of conducting anterior segment inspection. It can represent various conditions including normal eyes, icteric sclerae, cataracts and conjunctival hemorrhages, conjunctival chemosis, red eyes. Eyelid states such as open, closed, and droopy can be simulated. The rate of blinking can be adjusted to very fast, fast, moderate, or slow. Pupillary light reflex can be set to sensitive, slow, or no response. Pupil sizes from 1-10mm can be programmed at 1mm increments. All eye conditions can be configured for both eyes simultaneously or for each eye individually.

● Lip color can be set to rosy, cyanotic, pale, or none.

Standing Manikin

Anatomy: The accurate and palpable bone landmarks, such as the inferior margin of the costal arch, xiphoid process, sternal angle, ribs, intercostal spaces, and anterior superior iliac spine, facilitate easy identification and location of auscultation sites.


▪ Four palpable arterial pulses, including bilateral carotid pulses and bilateral femoral pulses. The pulse intensity can be set to normal, strong, weak, or absent. All states can be configured for both sides simultaneously or for each side individually.

▪ The bilateral jugular veins can be set to normal, distended, engorged or absent. All states can be configured for both sides simultaneously or for each side individually.

▪ Supports auscultation of normal and abnormal heart and lung sounds via a simulated stethoscope or loudspeaker. Auscultation of the four abdominal quadrants for bowel sounds, with settings for normal, weak, absent, or hyperactive.

▪ The manikin can simulate vocal fremitus with setting for normal, strong, weak or absent, palpable pleural friction, palpable pericardial friction, apex beat, displacement of apex beat, multiple precordial pulsations with settings for normal, strong, weak or absent and multiple precordial thrill with settings for systolic, diastolic, continuous or no thrill.

Supine Manikin

Anatomy: The accurate and palpable bone landmarks, such as the inferior margin of the costal arch, xiphoid process, epigastric angle, umbilicus, anterior superior iliac spine and symphysis pubis, facilitate easy identification and location of palpation sites.


▪ The bilateral blood pressure measurement is supported. Palpable bilateral brachial and radial artery pulses, with adjustable pulsation rate and strength. Blood pressure can be measured using a simulated stethoscope and a real sphygmomanometer. The blood pressure values can be set and adjusted independently for each side.

▪ Adjustable abdominal excursion, inhalation to exhalation ratio and respiratory rate allow for the simulation of various respiratory patterns, such as normal, sighing, Cheyne-Stokes, Biot's, and inhibitory respiration. The upward and downward movement of the liver and spleen with respiratory motion can be palpated.

▪ The abdomen provides realistic tactile sensation during palpation, capable of simulating abdominal tenderness, rebound tenderness and pathological signs of various abdominal organs, including the right upper quadrant (liver, hepatic flexure of colon, gallbladder), left upper quadrant (pancreas, spleen, splenic flexure of colon), middle upper abdomen (stomach, duodenum), middle lower abdomen (uterus, bladder), middle right abdomen (ileocecal area), McBurney's point, left McBurney's point (sigmoid colon), left & right upper ureteral point, left & right middle ureteral point, left & right costovertebral angle, left & right adnexa and periumbilical area (small intestine). The pain points can be configured individually or in combination, with sound feedback during palpation.

▪ Various levels of liver and spleen palpation signs can be simulated. The size of liver, with different textures, can be adjusted within a range of 1-5 cm. The size of the spleen is adjustable.

▪ Percussion pain procedures can be performed on the liver, gallbladder, left & right kidney. The operations of liver and gallbladder palpation can be detected by the system.

▪ During palpation, the gallbladder may demonstrate a positive Murphy's sign.

Simulated Stethoscope

▪ Realistic appearance, HIFI sound quality, comfortable to wear

▪ Battery life of 4 hours, supports automatic energy-saving mode, 8GB memory

▪ OLED screen displays volume, sound playback status, etc.

▪ Wireless connection with the manikins. Heart, breath, and bowel sounds locations can be identified automatically with real-time transfer to the system

Software Functions

▪ Cases are derived from real-life clinical scenarios, providing an immersive experience for learners.

▪ Designed with B/S architecture, no software pre-installed is required, user-friendly interface and ease of use.

▪ Compatible with PC operating systems such as Windows, macOS, Linux, and mainstream mobile operating systems including Android and iOS.

▪ The software supports remote cloud-based updates.

Features of Learner Unit

▪ The software of learner unit includes modules of Knowledge Base, Case, Examination, Self-Test, and Setup.

- Knowledge Base

▪ The Knowledge Base module provides a wealth of teaching and learning content, covering areas such as the head, chest, and abdomen, which include cranial inspection, hair, scalp, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, lungs and pleura, heart, and abdomen examination.

▪ Learning methods include visual inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

▪ The materials are presented in various formats such as text descriptions of physical signs, images, audio, video, and animations. Some contents also feature ECG, phonocardiogram, echocardiogram, DICOM images, and 3D reconstructed anatomical materials.

- Case

The system comes pre-installed with over 50 cases, each composed of three parts: history-taking, physical examination, and diagnosis.

▪ History-taking supports keyword search. The system lists preset questions based on matching keywords. By selecting each question, the system provides preset answers, supporting intelligent response by manikin.

▪ Physical examination includes all clinical patient reception items. By selecting a physical examination item, it is completed in combination of direct result, data interpretation, and operation on manikin.

▪ Diagnosis requires users provide initial impression and differential diagnosis. The system automatically records all operational data and evaluates the results.

- Examination

Learners can complete examinations through the Examination module.

- Self-Test

Learners can complete self-test through the self-test module.

- Setup

▪ Real-time display of CPU, memory and hard disk usage.

▪ The volume and power of manikins can be controlled.

Features of Instructor Unit

▪ The software of Instructor unit includes modules of Knowledge Base, Case, Sound Source, Customized Examination, Case Management, Examination, User Management, and Setup.

- Knowledge Base

▪ The Knowledge Base module provides a wealth of teaching and learning content, covering areas such as the head, chest, and abdomen, which include cranial inspection, hair, scalp, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, lungs and pleura, heart, and abdomen examination.

▪ Learning methods include visual inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

▪ The materials are presented in various formats such as text descriptions of physical signs, images, audio, video, and animations. Some contents also feature ECG, phonocardiogram, echocardiogram, DICOM images, and 3D reconstructed anatomical materials.

▪ The materials support creation, sharing to the instructor accounts and publishing to learner accounts, and allow for editing, creating based on existing content and deleting created content to meet teaching needs in different scenarios.

- Case

The system comes pre-installed with over 50 cases, each composed of three parts: history-taking, physical examination, and diagnosis.

▪ History-taking supports keyword search. The system lists preset questions based on matching keywords. By selecting each question, the system provides preset answers, supporting intelligent response by manikin.

▪ Physical examination includes all clinical patient reception items. By selecting a physical examination item, it is completed in combination of data interpretation and operation on the manikin.

▪ Diagnosis requires users provide initial impression and differential diagnosis. The system automatically records all operational data and evaluates the results.

- Case Management

▪ The system supports case editing function, allowing users to create new cases based on existing content or self-edited cases.

▪ Self-edited cases can be shared, published, and deleted.

▪ Supports creating new cases, including modules such as basic information, patient information, history-taking, physical examination, diagnosis, and assessment.

◦ The basic information module includes case name, department, and difficulty level.

◦ The patient information module includes gender, age, height, weight, marital status, visit date, and symptom description.

◦ The history-taking module is divided into communication, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment history, general condition, previous history, system review, personal history, menstrual and obstetrical history, and family history. History-taking can create new question types, questions, search keywords, and preset answers.

◦ The physical examination module is divided into vital signs, general condition examination, head, neck, chest, abdomen, genitalia, anus, rectum, spine, limbs, nervous system examination. The physical examination sub-module features a rich set of model parameters with a virtual human representation, organizing model settings by region.

◦ The diagnosis module includes thousands of clinical diagnoses and supports creating new diagnoses.

◦ The assessment module supports setting the weight, essential items, and deduction items for history-taking, physical examination, and diagnosis.

- Sound Source

▪ All heart and breath sound with associated waveform graphs support editing and playback.

▪ Instructor can add sound sources and synchronize them with simulated stethoscopes.

- Examination

▪ Instructor can create exams, including setting the exam name, type (in-class, take-home examination), start time, and end time.

▪ Instructor can set the exam content, select test papers, and choose examinees.

▪ The exams can be published for learners to use for self-test or examination purposes.

- Customized Examination

▪ Specialized examination can be created, including three types: head, chest, and abdomen. The difficulty level of the questions can be set, and the question stem and options can be edited.

▪ The question stem supports the insertion of materials in various formats such as JPG, PNG, MP4, MP3, WAV, DCM, etc., and the correct answer can be specified.

- User Management

▪ The system includes functions for class, instructor and learner management, allowing for batch management of personnel. The system provides a template for bulk import and supports batch importing of learners’ information.

▪ Users can be created based on two roles: instructor and learner, with user name, learner ID, user ID and password for both instructor and learner portals. Instructor can reset leaner portal password.

- Setup

▪ Real-time display of CPU, memory and hard disk usage.

▪ The volume and power of manikins can be controlled.

▪ The systolic pressure threshold for palpable pulses can be set.

▪ BP arms calibration can be performed.

▪ Supports one-key reset of system data to factory settings.

Instructor Unit Components 

Standing Manikin


Supine Manikin


Instructor PC


Simulated Stethoscope




Power adapter


Wireless router


Operation manual


Learner Unit Components 

Standing Manikin


Supine Manikin


Learner PC


Simulated Stethoscope




Power adapter


Operation manual



Tellyes, Virtually Real

Stock code :833047

Address:2nd & 3rd Floor, West 6th Building, 18 West HaiTai Road, Tianjin, China





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Tellyes Scientific INC.  Copyright  津ICP备14006255号-1