
Pediatric Care Manikin with Down Syndrome

Model TYE9028
Product size(mm) 925×425×305


This product shows a five-year-old Down syndrome baby.

Skills Gained

· Various nursing skills with a Down syndrome baby

· Allows children to understand and accept Down syndrome children


Common physical attributes include:

Brachycephaly (a smaller head that is somewhat flattened in the back);

Head girth of 40-45cm;

Small nasal bone and mandible;

Flat and round face;

Almond-shaped eyes with an upward slant;

Low-set ears;

A small, broad and flat nose;

Cleft lip;

Neck: short neck, skin and subcutaneous tissue loose and thick, webbed neck;

Trunk: funnel chest, prominent belly;

Short limbs;

Palm: wide short hands with short fingers, simian line, atd angle increased >80°

Wide space between the big and second toe


Tellyes, Virtually Real

Stock code :833047

Address:2nd & 3rd Floor, West 6th Building, 18 West HaiTai Road, Tianjin, China





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